full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Charles Robertson: Africa's next boom

Unscramble the Blue Letters

But I get asked this question, and this particular question makes me quite sad: It's, "But what about corruption? How can you invest in Africa when there's crooutrpin?" And what makes me sad about it is that this graph here is showing you that the biggest correlation with corruption is wealth. When you're poor, corruption is not your biseggt priority. And the countries on the right hand side, you'll see the per capita GDP, bsallcaiy every country with a per capita GDP of, say, less than 5,000 dollars, has got a corruption score of ruhlgoy, what's that, about three? Three out of 10. That's not good. Every poor country is corrupt. Every rich country is relatively uncorrupt. How do you get from poverty and corruption to wealth and less corruption? You see the middle class grow. And the way to do that is to invest, not to say I'm not investing in that coninetnt because there's too much corruption.

Open Cloze

But I get asked this question, and this particular question makes me quite sad: It's, "But what about corruption? How can you invest in Africa when there's __________?" And what makes me sad about it is that this graph here is showing you that the biggest correlation with corruption is wealth. When you're poor, corruption is not your _______ priority. And the countries on the right hand side, you'll see the per capita GDP, _________ every country with a per capita GDP of, say, less than 5,000 dollars, has got a corruption score of _______, what's that, about three? Three out of 10. That's not good. Every poor country is corrupt. Every rich country is relatively uncorrupt. How do you get from poverty and corruption to wealth and less corruption? You see the middle class grow. And the way to do that is to invest, not to say I'm not investing in that _________ because there's too much corruption.


  1. roughly
  2. biggest
  3. basically
  4. corruption
  5. continent

Original Text

But I get asked this question, and this particular question makes me quite sad: It's, "But what about corruption? How can you invest in Africa when there's corruption?" And what makes me sad about it is that this graph here is showing you that the biggest correlation with corruption is wealth. When you're poor, corruption is not your biggest priority. And the countries on the right hand side, you'll see the per capita GDP, basically every country with a per capita GDP of, say, less than 5,000 dollars, has got a corruption score of roughly, what's that, about three? Three out of 10. That's not good. Every poor country is corrupt. Every rich country is relatively uncorrupt. How do you get from poverty and corruption to wealth and less corruption? You see the middle class grow. And the way to do that is to invest, not to say I'm not investing in that continent because there's too much corruption.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
awful lot 4
sector debt 3
private sector 3
life expectancy 2
public sector 2
secondary school 2
school education 2
helping growth 2
population growth 2
indian growth 2
developing asia 2
trillion economy 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
private sector debt 2
secondary school education 2

Important Words

  1. africa
  2. asked
  3. basically
  4. biggest
  5. capita
  6. class
  7. continent
  8. correlation
  9. corrupt
  10. corruption
  11. countries
  12. country
  13. dollars
  14. gdp
  15. good
  16. graph
  17. grow
  18. hand
  19. invest
  20. investing
  21. middle
  22. poor
  23. poverty
  24. priority
  25. question
  26. rich
  27. roughly
  28. sad
  29. score
  30. showing
  31. side
  32. uncorrupt
  33. wealth